The Artifact Adventurers were a group of adventurers assembled by The Curator to gather the Last Knight’s Set. They were primarily active on Tev’esh and played an essential part in the lead up to the Reshaping.
Hunting for Artifacts
Following their defeat of the World-Eater’s Avatar and completion of their mission the Artifact Adventurers are presumed to have dissolved to their own paths. Though some stayed on the continent past the Reshaping many of them los their lives, disappeared, or otherwise left Tev’esh in the time after the adventure.
The legacy of the Artifact Adventurers is one of ruins. Their work leading up to the Reshaping and literally making ruins of the entirety of Tev’esh. They are remembered fondly by few and detested by many organisations active on the continent, including The Viridescent Vigil .